10 reasons to consider laboring or giving birth in water

10 reasons to consider laboring or giving birth in water?

It’s not just for the pictures and instagram there are some great benefits of using water submersion for labor and/or birth. Before I share the list, I would like to preface it by saying water birth may not be right for you if: you don’t like being in water, you naturally feel drawn to a land birth or you have a health condition where your care provider may need to have greater access to you during birth or immediately after birth. For example, some conditions that make person “high risk” such as a clotting disorder, a baby in distress during labor, giving birth to a pre-term baby or having an infection.

It is also important to make sure that any birth pool or tub is completely and thoroughly cleaned. In my practice, clients may birth using one of my clean tubs and a new birth tub liner. They must also provide a brand new (ideally led free) hose to fill and drain the tub with. The pool should be filled with water that is kept at a temperature that is “not too cold” and “not too hot”.

I know some individuals who enjoyed full water submersion in labor and others who found more relief from the shower - including staying there it give birth. When babies are born fully submerged in water the DIVE REFLEX keeps the glottis closed when the baby is submerged which is why they do NOT breath while under water. It is important to bring baby to the surface as they are born and not keep them underwater, but due to the dive reflex a baby does not take its first breath until they come to the surface and their face touches the air.

Here are the top reasons to consider laboring or giving birth in water!

Drumroll please…

1) Water is a natural pain reliever and promotes relaxation.

2) Less likely to have tearing or perineal damage.

3) Birthing people report greater feelings of well-being and control.

4) An easier birth for the birth parent and a gentle way to welcome a baby.

5) May speed up labor if you are in active labor.

6) May help blood pressure and stress hormones.

7) May help the laboring person conserve energy.

8) Gives the laboring parent a private protected space, as well as greater intimacy for the couple if desired.

9) Allows for easy of movement and change of position.

10) Most who have birthed in water state that they would do it again!


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